
Friday, October 28, 2011


I am pretty stoked on life right now I just found out that Apple came out with a new iPod Touch and it looks pretty amazing!!!!!!!!!!  Now iPod touches come in black or white and I think they might be a bit cheaper than before... I have a 4th generation so I know you can take pics and vids, but now you can take HD vids, they also have iOS 5 and iCloud!!  I have a friend who about a week ago bought a new 32GB iPod Touch for around $350.00 (she said) and right now they are $299.99 for a 32GB one!  I want one of these new ones sooo much!:)))  I would probably get a white one because I have a black one right now.  I do kinda think its a little ironic that Steve Jobs died not that long ago and now they have come out with a new iPod, anyway I love it and I'm really hoping to get a new one!:D

Coca Cola Changes Their Can!

Coca Cola has decided to change the colors of their Coke can!! I think it's starting out as a limited edition type of thing, and if it goes well they are changing it for good. I don't really want them to change their iconic red Coke can... It's what makes them who they are changing it would be like starting over.  Changing the can to white has something to do with them supporting polar bears, because Coca Cola donates a lot of money to a foundation that works on saving ice so that ice dependant animals like polar bears still have that.  All the global warming melts ice so places where polar bears can live are slowly diminishing.  Which I guess is a good cause.  I still think they should just keep their old can.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Muammar Gadhafi

Libya's rein of terror is over!  This morning Muammar Gadhafi was found in a hole by rebels, with a gold gun, he was in this hole because there was an attack on his house in Sirte.  He was trying to escape.  I'm kinda glad he's gone.  I mean he was like KILLING his own people.  It took a really long time for this to happen though.  I think he probably should have just given up and left Libya, if he'd done that he wouldn't be dead...  Apparently when he was found he was begging for the rebels not to shoot.  But they kind of had to, he's basically the reason for everything bad going on in their country.  Maybe things will get better now.  The rebels certainly think so.
I'm still not sure how you spell his name! Wikipedia has Muammar Gaddafi and then yahoo has Mommar Gadhafi, I've also seen different variations of the two, it's weird.  Anyway, I wonder now that Gadhafi's dead where's his family.  I think they were hiding in some other country.  But really what's going to happen to Libya are they going to have another leader, maybe a rebel or someone like that...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Field Hockey

Field Hockey is a pretty intense sport. I love it though:P  This weekend I was with ma buds at a field hockey tournament.  I was so excited because I finally got a field hockey stick and it is sooo beautiful!! On my team everybody has given their hockey stick a name, it's just something we do.  So far there is an Abby, Blair, Lisa, Phoenix, Mortimer and Max.  I really need a name but I want something pretty but tough so far I've had a few ideas but nothing really great...  Anyway field hockey is soo much fun, if you've never tried it you really have too.  Yea it can get a bit bloody but hey, it gives you character:)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Air Canada Strike

So the Air Canada flight attendants had a strike planned for Thursday October 13, 2011.  I was sooo not happy about this because I have plans in about 10 days and I need an airplane to get there!!  The Canadian Federal Labour Minister Lisa Raitt apparently made it so that their strike is now illegal, which means that they are no longer going on strike tomorrow.  I'm pretty happy because now I don't have to worry about if I'm going!!  Either way I just think that the Air Canada and other airline people should just STOP going on strike because honestly it's just really annoying for everyone who has things to do and people to see:P

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bridesmaids Movie

I just watched the Bridesmaids movie.  Haha it was a pretty funny movie.  I saw it with some friends and one of them really liked it, and the other one didn't so much.  There are so many funny scenes!! The only scene I would suggest skipping is the first one.  Bridesmaids is about a women who is the Maid of Honor at her best friend's wedding, and there's this one bridesmaid who just gets on her nerves and she does not get along with her, it's basically about what the maid of honor does and all the hilarious things that happen.  I highly suggest this movie!!

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's $39 000 Backpack

So recently Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen released their $39 000 alligator skin backpack as part of their brand The Row.  This bag is sold out everywhere, even on their website you have to e-mail them to pre-order it and they'll e-mail you back when they have one available!!  It's crazy 39 000 dollars for a bag! I guess it's because alligator skin (ewww) is very expensive... I mean who has $39 000 to spend on a BACKPACK. Crazy. I think having an alligator backpack would be kinda gross... but hey, that's just me.

Anyway to check out the article I read click below:


Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Disappearing Blonde Gene

The blonde hair gene is a gene that basically gives people blonde hair. It doesn't really matter what color your hair is, you could still "carry" a small piece of the blonde gene.  Anyway since like 1865 there's been things that are every few years claiming that "the blond gene" is going extinct.   In 2002 a bunch of different TV shows were saying that a few anonymous German scientists were said to have conducted an experiment in which they indicated that blond hair would only last for about another 200 years.  Apparently the last blondie is going to be born in Finland in 2202.  The World Health Organization (WHO) would have had some say in any kind of study like this and they have no knowledge of this one or made any reports of any other studies, which sorta makes these events since 1865... hoaxs.  Human hair color depends on two different types of melanin, eumelanin and pheomelanin, blond hair can have almost any combination of the two, but both only in small amounts.  Blonde hair is most often found more dominantly in people with Northern and Eastern European heritage, in most other people it's uncommon.  I just thought this was interesting because I hear all the time that people with blonde hair are going to be rare eventually, which could be true but not for a pretty long time:)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Richest People in the World

For the second year in a row the richest man to be recorded in the world right now, is Carlos Slim Helu.  At the age of  71 he's done pretty well for himself simply by being a very successful business man in many different industries.  He was born on January 28, 1940, in Mexico City, Mexico to Julián Slim Haddad and Linda Helú.  He is the fifth born of six children, and he's definitely the most successful of them all, which I actually find funny because earlier today I read that first born children on average are much smarter and do better than their younger siblings.  Which I hope is true because I'm a first born child... Anyway, so like I said Carlos is the richest man in the world for the second time over Bill Gates.  This year he really whupped everyone else's butts, with a 18 billion dollar lead over B.G. Making Carlos's 74 billion dollars the greatest amount of money to one person in the world.  Interesting fact: Carlos Slim has had the same house for the past 40 years, and I'm pretty sure it's not a very big house, I don't know, what would you do if you had 74 BILLION dollars!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs just died earlier (Wednesday the 5th of October) today at the age of 56 (1955-2011) in Palo Alto, from pancreatic cancer.  I honestly cannot believe that Steve Jobs died, he's the guy who invented the IPOD!! He's like one of the people you never think is going to die, like Michael Jackson or Jack Layton! Steve Jobs was one of the founders of the tech company we all know so well, most of all for the iPod, Apple. He's the one who made Apple a household name, who basically made it what it is now! I didn't even know he had cancer... I think he knew he was going to die pretty soon because up until recently he was the CEO of Apple, but a while ago he stepped down and let someone else take his position. I find that really sad:'(  Some things I read that I just found kind of interesting were that he was a college drop out and a Buddhist. Kinda funny:) I still can't believe he's gone, that's just crazy!! Apple lovers everywhere will definitely be mourning this very devastating loss:(

Monday, October 3, 2011

Amanda Knox

I thought I'd write something about Amanda Knox because of what just happened for her.  For anyone who doesn't know who she is here's a short summary:
She's a 24 year old from Seattle in the USA.  She went to Perugia, Italy to go to university, she was staying in a place with a few girls.  During some sort of break or something two of them went home but her and another girl were still staying there.  On the 1st of November in 2007 she spent the night at her boyfriends house.  She phoned the police when she got home because her friend wasn't there.  When the police came they eventually found the missing girl's dead body, Amanda was accused of her murder.  So today, four years later she had her final trial. She was found not guilty. I don't really think she did, I mean they didn't even have a trace of her DNA on the knife that was used to kill the other girl. They didn't even have any real evidence that showed she was guilty... Anyway it's nice she gets to come back to her life after all this time.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Movie Abduction :)

Ok so apparently when you make a blog you have to write about things you like that people would want to read about or else... well I guess no one would read your blog... I think I'll start with a movie I really like that I saw a while ago. Any one heard of Abduction?  It has Taylor Lautner and Lilly Collins starring in it.  It's basically about a boy (Taylor) who finds out that his life is kind of a complete lie when he finds his picture on a missing person's website.  Then his parents die and him and his neighbor (Lilly) end up on the run... for their lives.
Either way check it out its a good movie:D

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