
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Emma Stine Jewelry

Today I found this great company called Emma Stine Jewelry (obviously), and it's kinda cool.  Everything they make is almost one of a kind because as soon as a style is out of stock there is something new to replace it.  I absolutely love that they do that!  It makes it really unique.  They sell rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and bags. 

I like these two pieces a lot.  The bracelet is $38 and the necklace is $44.  Anyway check them out at

Friday, December 9, 2011

Joe's Jeans

A while ago I was reading a fashion magazine and in it there was an ad for Joe's Jeans, it promised 55 different colors. Just after hearing that I was pretty much hooked.  I love the overall look of these jeans, and honestly they will look good paired with almost everything in your closet.

These two are my favorites  They may not be the most versatile colors, but hey everyone needs some color in their wardrobe right!!  These jeans are $158 each, but they will be the best pair in your closet.  They pretty much last forever... from what I've heard anyway.  Anyway I love these and am hoping for a pair for Christmas!! 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ice Watches

Right now I am in love with the watches by Ice!!  I've seen people with them before and they always look amazing.  I searched them a while ago and I never thought that they would have so many, there's probably about a hundred different watches to choose from.  One of my favourites is a Classic Pastel (the name) blue green watch, it is soo pretty:) I think they're around $170 each but they look really nice.  They are very popular with the stars too.  On the Ice website they have a HUGE list of famous people that wear their watches.  If you don't really know what they are I suggest that you check them out, they're pretty cool.