
Friday, October 28, 2011


I am pretty stoked on life right now I just found out that Apple came out with a new iPod Touch and it looks pretty amazing!!!!!!!!!!  Now iPod touches come in black or white and I think they might be a bit cheaper than before... I have a 4th generation so I know you can take pics and vids, but now you can take HD vids, they also have iOS 5 and iCloud!!  I have a friend who about a week ago bought a new 32GB iPod Touch for around $350.00 (she said) and right now they are $299.99 for a 32GB one!  I want one of these new ones sooo much!:)))  I would probably get a white one because I have a black one right now.  I do kinda think its a little ironic that Steve Jobs died not that long ago and now they have come out with a new iPod, anyway I love it and I'm really hoping to get a new one!:D

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