
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

JB and Selena Gomez Leave a Huge Tip

After spending last sunday night partying after the AMA's Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez went to iHop for breakfast.  They had their breakfast and left a tip that was two times how much their meals actually cost!  I think that was sooo nice of them to do that.  I mean like if I was amazingly rich or famous, I think I would try to do that too, ya know?  It is such a great thing to do for someone, I mean how excited would you feel if that was you?  In the States Thanksgiving is coming up so thats a nice pick me up for whoever was working at iHop.  Never knew JB and Selena were such good samaritans.

1 comment:

  1. famous people like them should leave big tips they can afford it!!!


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