
Sunday, November 13, 2011

mp3 Youtube Converters

So I decided because at the top of my blog part of my description says music I might as well write something about music.  To tell the truth I just found out about mp3 converters yea I know it's pretty sad.  I was using youtube and it wouldn't load so someone I know asked me why I don't just use a converter.  Then he told me how to use one and now it's my new best friend.  I'm pretty much in love with it, which is pretty fair considering I am a complete iTunes freak.  I have 339 songs and they ALL came from iTunes so I was pretty stoked when I found that I can get songs for free without getting a virus:)  I'm also really liking Coldplays new album Mylo Xyloto, hey it's pretty good!! I like Paradise and Princess of China a lot too.  At a Remembrance Day ceremony the song Better Than A Hallelujah by Amy Grant was sung and it was really pretty that's a good one too.  Anyway if you're like me and either haven't used a converter or don't know how they are super easy and I highly recommend them:)

P.S. Don't judge me about the whole not knowing about the converter thing:P

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